Monday, June 2, 2014

Changing things up

I have  been stuck at the same weight for the last year! That isn't a bad thing since I know I could have  easily gained weight in this last year, so I am thankful that I have  learned to maintain. BUT I knew it was time to change things up so that's what I sought out to do.
I decide  to talk to an old friend o  mine that is a personal trainer. She encouraged m  to join her group training session that she  was starting. I wasn't  sure if I should, but after  talking it over with my husband, decided it was a good thing.
Went to the first day, not knowing what to expect. We were testing some things to see where we were at in our abilities of strength. I was so sore and feeling a bit frustrated seeing how out of shape I was. I thought I was doing pretty good since I have been walk/running this past year. I knew I was in the right place because this, I felt, was exactly what I needed, something that was going to challenge me.
The second time meeting was some more testing and a taste of our first workout. If I thought I was sore after the first day, this day really made me sore! Walking stairs and sitting down were no easy tasks. The soreness lasted up until our next workout!
Got through the 3rd workout and watched a documentary on eating healthy. It really reaffirmed a lot of what I had already been thinking of the way I should be eating.
The 4th workout was hard but seemed to fly by. I can feel myself getting stronger!
I am looking forward to seeing what changes these workouts bring!