Sunday, January 6, 2013

Winter Break

This last week was spent at home with my kids since they were home still on Winter break. They also had a friend over so I have 5 boys in the house all week and occasionaly I would see my 18 year old. As many know with boys, they eat ALL the time. I would no sooner just have fixed lunch and one of them would come and say "I'm hungry". So I would proceed to find something more that they could eat. We went through at least a gallon of milk a day......I am really hoping the rumors of milk going up to $7 a gallon will never come true or we will be looking to buy a cow. And I lost count of how many boxes of cereal they went through or how many apples and oranges were consumed. Despite all they ate, we still have food in the house amazingly.

I loved how the boys kept themselves occupied this last week. They actually used their imaginations. I am sorry to say that I had taken all electronics from them for the month of Decemeber. I wanted to stop hearing "I'm bored" when I know they have tons of toys on top of their electronic toys. So I figured, well then I will take out the things that seem to squash their imagination and see what will happen. I am very happy that within a week or so they had slowly started to exercise their imagination muscles again. I got to listen to their pretend trips and their battles with their beyblades. It was fun to watch them play Just Dance and even join them a few times. They spent more time playing in the snow and going up to the school with their new tetherball and playing. And the cool thing is, even though they can have their electronics back, they haven't gone back to zoning out on them yet. I am hoping that they exercised their imagination muscles enough that they will continue to use it instead of going back to saying "I'm bored".

Because the kids were home though, I have completly gotten out of my routine. I did end up gaining a little of weight back but thankfully I have gotten my eating back under control. Now to just get back into a routine of exercise again. I was trying to go to the gym but its just not the same as walking/jogging outside, having a good conversation with a really good friend. I really miss the jogging I was doing and I am looking forward to getting back to it. I have a feeling though that I am going to have to start at week 1 day 1 of the couch to 5K and restart my body wanting to jog again. I have planned out to do at least 6 different races this year which is double from last year. I am even going to try walking a half marathon with my friend. She has already accomplished one and has inspired me to want to try to accomplish it too. I love having things to work towards, it keeps my motivation up.

Now to go plan out my busy week ahead..........

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